Wednesday 7 September 2016

Log Blog Assignment - Entry 1


Question #1- What topic did you chose to explore? 
The first topic I chose to talk about is videos. 

Question #2 - Why did you chose this topic, was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it?
I chose videos because I've always been very interested in watching different videos and making them myself, whether its on YouTube, TV or any social media. I enjoy making my own short video edits and seeing the outcome.

Question #3 - Give 3 examples of where you find this type of media in your everyday life.  
I see this type of media everyday on TV , like a commercial, on YouTube and on Instagram. I always see fanpages making video edits of celebrities.

Question #4 - Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience (who are they trying to reach, mothers, kids, students, wealthy, poor, etc.)  
I think the commercial I have chosen is aimed towards gymnasts and parents. The person in this commercial is an Olympic gymnast who inspires many other young gymnasts, and when those gymnasts watch the commercial, they'll be begging their parents to buy tide pods.

Question #5 - Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent you chosen topic?
I chose this specific visual aid because commercials always catch my eye. Also I, myself used to be a gymnast, and Simone Biles is one of my all time favourite athletes so this commercial was even more eye-catching to me.

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