Sunday 11 September 2016

The Elements of Graphic Design


I chose to use this as an example of line because it utilizes lines in almost every part of it. Lines are creating and connecting triangles and the different shapes together.


I think this movie poster is a good representation of shapes in graphic design because it contains many different shapes such as rectangles, circles, triangles and even some organic shapes. Shapes are used to create things such as eyes and clothing in this particular picture.


I like the way this picture represents mass because you can see that the younger people in this group were drawn smaller to show the age difference. A person being older is drawn larger and taller.


I chose this picture because it could be seen as a few different things just by looking at the texture. Some people may see it as a type of fabric, and others may think of it as a basket.


I really like this eye deisgn because of the use of colour. The pink, purple and blue all blend in with each other smoothly and the neon blue background really pops against the white.


I like how effective the text looks in this design because of the different sizes and fonts. The main words of this quote, such as "town," "paper" and "memories" were added in large font while the less important words such as "was,' is written smaller, an in a different font.

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